
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Phew! what a week

So, what have I been up to for the last week?

I've been on Twitter quite a lot.

Cute blue bird, but it doesn't move, rather like the butterflies on the duvet cover.

These are amazing for pouncing on as they don't fly off. However, after a while, it gets rather boring if your prey doesn't move.

Great things beds, especially when they are being made.

Last Friday I had another go about being a pirate cat. Didn't really work.

I slipped off eventually and smacked the keyboard - mmm, I was not very popular.

So I then sat on the bamboo tablet and made a mess of Mum's artwork.

Definitely not popular.

I shall not try being a pirate cat again for a while.

There was one way around the unpopularity - crawl down, look cute and fall asleep on an arm.

That worked.

The shower is still a source of wonderment.

I mean all that rain pouring over a human and all that foamy stuff. I still think a quick lick and a chew are better, but that's the funny thing about humans.

I think I heard something about being a psycho cat from Bates Motel. Not sure what that is, but I don't think it was meant as a compliment.

I shall keep that in mind in future, but it won't stop me from watching the shower.

Humans have these lumps of paper that they look at, they are called books. They are rather like a newspaper wrapped in a colourful cover.

They also make patterns on plain paper with sticks. Some of it is called algebra. Don't think I want to learn about that, it looks too boring. I would rather chase things and explore behind the plant pots.

Ha ha, no one can reach me when I do that.

I have also recently discovered that you cannot eat everything that falls on the floor.

There is this stuff that makes a chink when it drops. It is called money, or coins. It slides around the floor quite easily, but you definitely cannot eat it.

Smells funny anyway.

The start of my really great, titanic Titus adventures started when I gallumped down stairs. It is called gallumping because when you are small, you have to put your front legs on the step first and sort of gallump your back legs afterwards. Then you do the same onto the step below.

Getting to the landing was a huge success, especially as the stairs have holes in them.

Mum told me to be careful or I might fall through.

Na! How could I ever be so clumsy as to do that?


I fell through a whole flight of stairs.

Ew that hurt.

Hurt my bottom.

So I went and hid.

I think it freaked my humans out as they found a few drops of blood.

Don't they know I am a cat and I have nine lives??

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