That's his fault for waving it about like a semaphore flag.
What does he expect me to do? ignore it?
It's like waving a red rag in front of a bull, or dangling a carrot in front of a donkey or a mouse in front of me.
That reminds me.
Mum bought me a new rat the other day - it was brown and looked rather naughty to me, so I picked it up in my mouth and hid it under the bed.
I'll deal with it later.
Sometimes there are humans or other animals stuck inside this giant box on the wall - I am not sure how they get out.
I wonder if I sit in front of it, whether the humans will sit and look at me instead?
The question at hand is whether I am turning into a teenager.
The other morning, the alarm went off, I heard it and I heard Mum get up. But I didn't, I stayed in bed. That's what teenagers do.
Mum took me down for breakfast, but I didn't like the smell of the cat food, I mean it stank. How can I eat something like that?
So I refused my food.

That got her worried.
She cooked me fresh chicken.
That can't be bad.
Maybe I should try being a teenager more often?
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